The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. Hebrews 11:8 NKJV

Trusting God for Our Future

God is the great Creator to whom all humans are accountable. Whether we like it or not, this point is clearly demonstrated in Romans, with the conclusion that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). Human responsibility corresponds to the degree of light God gives in various ways. For instance, knowing Him as Creator also provides an understanding of His rights as the ultimate Judge. With the Ten Commandments, God held His people responsible. Later, He gave Israel the blessings of the promised land and put them to another test, whether they would appreciate these privileges in communion with Him, or not.

Today, He is the Savior God who shows grace and yet, rightfully, demands that all should repent. What about you? Did you already repent and confess your sins? If not, do it now! Because if you wait until tomorrow, it may be too late. All have received light from God through His creation and His Word, and He holds people accountable accordingly, including you!

His plans for Israel were set in motion when He called Abram, whose name means “elevated father,” telling him to leave Ur of the Chaldees (Gen. 12:1). God assured him an offspring that would possess the promised land. His wife, however, remained barren, unable to conceive. The couple thought that their maid servant, Hagar, might provide the solution, and so Abram became the father of Ishmael (16:15). But God had other plans. When the patriarch was no longer able to generate any offspring, God gave him the name Abraham, “father of a multitude” (17:5 jnd). The Most High is the Almighty who showed him plans for the immediate and distant future and Abraham’s role. Are you trusting God for your future?

Alfred E. Bouter