The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil … But He answered and said, “It is written.” Matthew 4:1, 4 NKJV

The Second Man (2)

No sooner did the Second Man appear upon the scene than Satan appeared to dispute every inch of ground with Him. It was a grand reality. The Man Christ Jesus had undertaken the mighty work of glorifying God on this earth, of destroying the works of the devil, and of redeeming His people. Stupendous work—work which none but the God-man could accomplish. But it was a real thing. Jesus had to meet all the craft and power of Satan. He had to meet him as the serpent and meet him as the lion. Hence, at the very opening of His blessed career, as the baptized and anointed Man, He stood in the wilderness to be tempted of the devil (Mt. 4; Lk. 4). And note the contrast between the first man and the Second. The first man stood in the midst of a garden of delights, with everything that could possibly plead for God against the tempter. The Second Man, on the contrary, stood in the midst of a wilderness of privations with everything, apparently, to plead against God and for the tempter. Satan tried with the Second Man precisely the same weapons which he had found so effective with the first: “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life” (1 Jn. 2:16).

But the Second Man vanquished the tempter with one simple weapon: the written Word. “It is written” was the one unvarying reply of the dependent and obedient Man. No reasoning, no questioning, no looking this way or that way. The Word of the living God was the commanding authority for the perfect Man. Blessed forever be His name! The homage of the universe be His throughout everlasting ages! Amen and amen.

C. H. Mackintosh