But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9 NKJV
All was darkness for us, whether we were called out of Judaism or heathenism, or a nominal and corrupted Christianity; and now we are in a light which is marvelous. We are the people of God, having obtained mercy.
Marvelous light! Is this how we feel about it? The world plunges on, deeper and ever deeper into its darkness and unbelief. Its learned scientists and philosophers fill the air with triumphant shouts as to their investigations and their discoveries. Yet really they are as men who clutch at elusive shadows while their science is an enshrouding mist. Their discoveries enable them to do lots of clever and curious things in the world, but not a ray of light shines in them as to things beyond the grave. And here are we, put in the light of God fully revealed in Christ, in the light of His grace, His purposes, His glory. Are we studying these things so as to become even more and more enlightened and, consequently, luminous ourselves?
On a cloudless night at the season of full moon, we get the benefit of it shining in the light of the sun. How marvelous must be the sunlight that can make a dark body shine so brightly! Well, the world is still in the dark, for its back is turned towards God. We are in the light of His truth and grace, the light of the knowledge of Himself. How marvelous that light is can be discerned in the fact that it makes dark and unattractive people, like ourselves, show forth His excellencies and reflect Himself.
Oh, to be more fully in the unclouded brightness of God’s marvelous light!