The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

He preached to them Jesus and the resurrection. Acts 17:18 NKJV

The Lord Is Risen

Let the reader note this: Jesus and the resurrection. Why was it not Jesus and the incarnation or Jesus and the crucifixion? Was it because these profound and priceless mysteries held no place in apostolic preaching and teaching? Read 1 Timothy 3:16 and Galatians 4:4–5 for the answer. These passages settle the question as to the foundation doctrines of incarnation and crucifixion.

But Paul preached and taught and jealousy insisted upon resurrection. He himself was converted to a risen and glorified Christ. The very first glimpse he caught of Jesus of Nazareth was as a risen Man in glory. Paul preached a resurrection gospel. He labored to present every man perfect in a risen, glorified Christ. He did not confine himself to the mere question of forgiveness of sin and salvation from hell, precious beyond all price as are these fruits of the atoning death of Christ. He aimed at the glorious end of planting the soul in Christ and of keeping it there. “Buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him … made alive together with Him” (Col. 2:12–13).

Such was Paul’s preaching and teaching. This was his gospel. This is true Christianity, in contrast with all the forms of human religiousness and fleshy pietism under the sun. Life in a risen Christ was Paul’s grand theme. It was not merely forgiveness and salvation by Christ, but union with Him. Paul’s gospel planted the soul at once in a risen and glorified Christ, redemption and forgiveness of sins being the obvious and necessary consequence. This was the glorious gospel of the blessed God!

C. H. Mackintosh

The Lord is risen: with Him we also rose,
And in His grave see vanquished all our foes.
The Lord is risen: beyond the judgment-land,
In Him, in resurrection life we stand.

W. P. Mackay