God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. Galatians 6:14 NKJV
As to grace, what free-gift actings in love are there seen in the cross! The only begotten Son was sent down from the glory on high to bear the wrath due to us, that we might be enabled to share the glory given to Him, and be loved even as He is loved.
And the marvel of His Person must not be passed by, God manifest in flesh. Such was the Lamb of God. Sin in man was the denial of God being over and above man. The Son of God, as Son of Man, bore its judgment. To Him the judgment was no little thing. It drew forth from Him the cry, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Words of full and agonizing import in themselves, yet but feeble expressions when He used them of what He felt, the volume of whose heart and mind was infinite. Who He was stood plainly forth, too, then and there, as Psalm 22 shows, for what no mere creature could do was found in Him. Forsaken by God, He did not forsake God.
Such was the light which shone in our Lord Jesus Christ’s cross. And what a measure does it give of what we were before we called Him Lord. A measure of what God thought of our sin, of the only thing which we could call our own. Who should carry it into God’s presence? Who should settle it? And having borne its judgment, settle our consciences for ever? One and but One alone could do these things; and His glory stands forth, confessed by His having taken up that cup, and set us free for ever!
And yet ’twas for us He endured it;
Alone in perfection was He:
Our blessing—He only secured it,
By dying alone on the tree.