The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

Then those of you who escape will remember Me among the nations where they are carried captive, because I was crushed by their adulterous heart which has departed from Me. Ezekiel 6:9 NKJV

Pain or Joy?

How little do we understand the Lord’s thoughts and feelings due to our disobedience! In the above verse, we have the Lord’s complaint against Israel in how He was crushed by their disobedience; “crushed” is a very strong word. Psalm 69, speaking prophetically of the Lord, says that reproach had broken His heart. When speaking to Judas, He asked, “Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss?” (Lk. 22:48). In another Gospel, He called him “friend.” In Psalm 41:9 and 55:12–13, we see how deeply the Lord was affected by the fact that a companion, a friend, one who ate and also went to the temple together with Him, was the one who betrayed Him.

In another place, He speaks about how He desired to gather Israel under His protection and care like a hen who gathers her chicks under her wings, but they would not. As we are touched by the disobedience of one of our children, or one in the local gathering, how much more so is the Lord!

On the other hand, how God is pleased, and His heart warmed, by our praise and obedience. We read verses which tell us that God is well pleased when children obey their parents (Col. 3:20); He delights in honesty and uprightness (Prov. 11:1, 20); and obedience (1 Sam. 15:22); and in a contrite and broken heart (Ps. 51:16, 17). He delighted in the attitude of Mary as she sat at His feet to listen, and again later as she poured out the fragrant oil, anointing the Lord (Mt. 26:10); for He said, “She has done a good work for Me.”

What a responsibility it is for us, His creatures, to know that our actions may cause Him pain; but what a privilege it is for us that we His creatures may give joy to His heart! May we bless God’s heart today.

Albert Blok