All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28:18 NKJV
Authority is the right to exercise power. History has borne out the truth of what the 18th-century British politician, Lord Acton, said: “Power tends to corrupt; and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” This has been the track record of emperors and kings. The more power they acquire, the less their sense of morality.
Jesus rode into Jerusalem as the King of Israel. He began by cleansing the temple, thus securing God’s rights. But the scribes and Pharisees confronted Him by asking, “By what authority are You doing these things? And who gave You this authority?” (Mt. 21:23). He had told them previously, “If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you” (Mt. 12:28). They would not have Him, and so His kingdom has been postponed. But when He reigns, “righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face” (Ps. 89:14). King Solomon wrote of Him, “He will judge Your people with righteousness, and Your poor with justice … He will save the children of the needy, and will break in pieces the oppressor … Yes, all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him” (Ps. 72:2, 4, 11). Even King Solomon was corrupted by power, but the Lord Jesus can never be corrupted. He will judge according to “the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord … And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes, nor decide by the hearing of His ears; but with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth” (Isa. 11:2–4). He will not be swayed by what appeals to the eyes, nor by flattery.
Worthy art Thou to be adored and owned as universal Lord;
Oh, hasten that long-promised day when all shall own Thy rightful sway!