What shall be done to the man that smites this Philistine, and takes away the reproach from Israel? for who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? 1 Samuel 17:26 JND
Bless now Jehovah your God. And all the congregation blessed Jehovah the God of their fathers. 1 Chronicles 29:20 JND
It is not until David is with the army of Israel, facing the Philistines, that we hear him speak. His words show how much he loved God and His people. Others trembled at Goliath’s threats, but he burned with indignation that such things could be said in the Living God’s land. It was inexplicable to him that no one had stepped forward. We may be critical too but, how easy it is to leave the task of standing for God to someone else.
Despite his youth David would not do that. Sometime before, Samuel had said to Saul, “Jehovah has sought Him a man after His own heart, and Jehovah has appointed him ruler over His people” (1 Sam. 13:14). David is a wonderful type of Christ, the Anointed One, who will accomplish God’s will in relation to Israel and the whole of creation (Ps. 2; 8).
David had proved God as a shepherd boy and had the utmost confidence in Him (1 Sam. 17:34–37). Not only did he defeat Goliath that day, but in due course he established the kingdom before God. In contrast to the Lord Jesus, he failed and he sinned, but he thoroughly acknowledged his transgressions (Ps. 51). He is a good example for us today!
At the close of his life he could lead the people in blessing Jehovah, as we have read in our text today. The homage they paid to Jehovah anticipates the Millennium. He also predicts this future kingdom in his last recorded words, found in 1 Samuel 23:1–7. May we encourage one another in the service of God as David did Israel!