Keep yourselves in the love of God. Jude 1:21 JND
We love because He has first loved us. 1 John 4:19 JND
How important it is for us to remember God’s love for us; this gives us strength. The apostle John refers to himself as the disciple whom Jesus loved (Jn. 13:23). John did not boast about his love to the Lord but rather he enjoyed, bathed in, dwelt in the love of God for him.
When we read the story of Jonathan we read that he loved David as his own soul (1 Sam. 18:3). Similarly, Jonathan’s sister Michal loved David too and they married. But sadly they did not keep themselves in the love between themselves and David. When put to the test they chose the comforts of an easier life rather than rejection with David. They deliberately chose not to stay at his side, in his presence and company, and this cost them dearly.
And so it is with us. We need to spend time with the Lord our God. We need to meditate and actively enjoy His thoughts towards us. When the Lord was here He invited various ones to be with Him; Andrew and the other disciple of John the Baptist were invited to see where He dwelt. He chose twelve disciples that they might be with Him (Mk. 3:14). When He was about to go to the cross, He invited the disciples to be with Him and he gave them a memorial of Himself for them (and us) to remember Him.
The Lord knows our needs and weaknesses. He knows that we need to be reminded of His love for us. We are told not to forsake our gathering together (Heb. 10:25). We need to remember and worship and thus be encouraged. He invites us to remember Him by taking part in the special supper He gave, remembering who He is, remembering what He has done. As we do so, our hearts are warmed as we think of His love, awakening the response in our hearts of love to Him. May we keep ourselves in the love of God.