The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

These all died in faith … Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them. Hebrews 11:13, 16 NKJV

Don’t Quit

Hebrews 11 has been called the “Heroes’ Hall of Faith.” It presents illustrations of faith, not in an abstract way, but in the real lives and circumstances of these Old Testament worthies. When we read through this chapter, we see the exploits of faith accomplished by these saints, what they did “by faith.” However, when we compare chapter 11 with what is recorded of them in the Old Testament, sometimes we notice the Holy Spirit puts them in a better light than the actual historical accounts would suggest. Some of these saints were marked by failure in their lives. And others, when the account is examined, did not seem to be acting with very much faith at all at the time.

What is the answer to this apparent anomaly? God is so pleased by even the smallest faith that He puts it in the best light. It is heaven’s “spin” on the saints. This is not to say there is any deceitfulness or duplicity on God’s part; it would be irreverent even to suggest this. It is not that Hebrews 11 is an untruthful account—faith was there—but God is so pleased by faith that He overlooks its weakness and failure. For example, even Samson is mentioned (11:32)! We see this elsewhere as well, Lot is called “righteous” by the apostle Peter (2 Pet. 2:7–8). We perhaps would not have mentioned them. The Lord Jesus said to His disciples, “You are those who have continued with Me in My trials” (Lk. 22:28). Yet, shortly after this they fell asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane and then forsook Him and fled. Yet, even knowing this would happen He credited them as having faith.

Do you feel discouraged by your service for Christ? Your faith is weak and marked by failure? You just may receive a surprise at the judgment seat. Don’t quit!

Brian Reynolds