The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

And Jehovah Elohim called to Man, and said to him, Where art thou? Genesis 3:9 JND

God’s Call (1)—From the Beginning

The story of the fall in Genesis 3 is familiar to us. Man was created “upright” (Eccl. 7:29), but fell to the temptation of the serpent. Adam and his wife sewed fig leaves together to try to cover themselves. However, as soon as they heard God’s voice, they hid among the trees of the garden. They were guilty and they knew it. How wonderful is the Word of God! From the beginning we see what is true for sinners—even today.

If salvation is to come to mankind, God Himself must take the initiative; His call must come to the heart and conscience of the sinner. It is wonderful grace that our God desires to reconcile fallen sinners to Himself!

Adam answers, “I feared” and “I am naked.” Here we see the result of disobeying God, then or now: fear, shame, and guilt. Only a covering of God’s own providing would make them fit for God’s presence and give rest to their consciences.

Did Jehovah not know where Adam and his wife were? Of course He knew. But He wanted to exercise their consciences and hearts as to what they had done, and why they were at a distance from Him. How wonderful that our God would not leave them at a distance, and He did not want us to be at a distance from Him either. For Adam and his wife, Jehovah provided a covering: the skins from an animal that was killed. For us He has provided the best robe, a divine righteousness that was won for us through the work of the Lord Jesus. He was “delivered for our offenses and has been raised for our justification” (Rom. 4:25). We have been called and brought near!

Kevin Quartell

Twas sovereign mercy called me

And taught my opening mind

J. Conder