The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place. 2 Peter 1:19 NKJV

The Importance of Prophecy

The objection to the study of prophecy arises from a root of unbelief, sometimes deeply hidden, which supposes all blessing to depend on the measure in which a subject bears immediately on one’s self or one’s circumstances. Thus when some cry out that prophecy is not essential, I would ask, “Essential to what?” If they mean essential to salvation, we agree. But then on what ground do such objectors stand! The anxiety to examine only what they deem indispensable to salvation shows that they have no consciousness of salvation themselves, and that this need of their souls is the only thing they are alive to.

Now all hold that not prophecy but the gospel should be put before the unconverted. The coming of Christ in glory, which is the center of unfulfilled prophecy, ought to be terror to their hearts, instead of a mere question for interesting discussion. To the believer indeed His coming is “that blessed hope.” But for any man who has not peace by faith in Him dead and risen, to occupy his mind either with this, the Church’s hope, or with the events of which prophecy treats, is but a diversion of which the enemy can make fearful use.

On the other hand, prophecy is essential to our due appreciation of Christ’s glory and of the glory that is to be revealed. To slight prophecy therefore is to despise unwittingly that glory and the grace which has made it known to us. It is the plainest evidence of the selfishness of our hearts, hearts which want every Word of God to be directly about ourselves. God takes for granted that His children love to hear whatever will exalt the Lord Jesus. Where Christ is the object of our hearts, all is peace; where our own happiness is the first thought, there will be disappointment and uncertainty.

W. Kelly