The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless.” Genesis 17:1 NKJV

Waiting Upon God by Faith

This is the fifth time we read that the Lord appeared to Abram, but the last recorded time God spoke to Abram was thirteen years earlier. Abram had experienced the Lord as he began to walk by faith in chapters 12–13. He had learned the importance of relying on His God in chapters 14–15 as he warred by faith. But now in chapter 16–17 Abram and his wife are finding it hard to wait on the Lord by faith. God had promised the land to Abram and his descendants, but he and his wife are getting older and still have no children. In chapter 16, Sarai does what we often do: she takes things into her own hands. She gives her Egyptian maidservant, Hagar, to Abram but this only creates more problems!

Often, circumstances arise in our lives where we try to work things out on our own and we only complicate the situation. The Lord does not want us to rely on our own ingenuity or on our own strength. He desires us to believe that nothing is too hard for Him and that He is able to come in and change the obstacle into an opportunity to display His glory! The Lord reveals Himself to Abram as the Almighty God! This name is made of two words, El speaking of power and Shaddai, which has the combined thought of all power and all sufficiency. The Lord was about to tell Abram that Sarai was going to have a son even at 90 years old!

If you are facing a major decision or find yourself at an impossible impasse, do not run ahead of the Lord. Wait on Him to reveal His power and might! Abram was instructed to walk before the Lord and be blameless. When facing an impossibility, walk before the face of the Lord, wholly devoted to Him, and He will display that He is an all-sufficient God for you in your time of need!

Tim Hadley, Sr.