The Lord Is Near 2025 calendar

Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and I will shew thee great and hidden things, which thou knowest not. Jeremiah 33:3 JND

Hidden Things

Let us consider together three points in the above verse:

1. “Call unto Me.” Here we have the gracious invitation of the Lord to His people to call to Him in the midst of all their distress, difficulty, and need. Do we feel the lack of our own resources, whether wisdom or strength or anything else? He desires to be our resource. How many believers look within themselves or look to their brethren or, sadly, look to the world for the resources they need when the Lord graciously invites His own to call upon Him. In the context of this verse, we find in Jeremiah 31 the “time of Jacob’s trouble” described, a time of unprecedented trouble upon God’s earthly people. Yet He will be sufficient for their need then, and, by His grace, He is sufficient for our need today!

2. “And I will answer thee.” Were we to try to communicate with some of the great men of the earth today, from whom would we expect a personal reply? Yet the God of the universe, whom we have the privilege today as believers to address as Father, tells us He will answer us! This does not necessarily mean we will receive what we ask for. James 4:3 tells us we can ask amiss. He who knows our needs better than we do will answer, perhaps yes, perhaps no, or perhaps wait—but He will answer.

3. “And I will shew thee great and hidden things which thou knowest not.” Generally, when we are conscious of a need, and when we make that need known to our loving Father, all we are looking for is the answer to that need. But He tells us His thoughts. He desires not just to meet our needs, but to reveal more of Himself, more of His heart, and more of His blessed ways. May we learn more of the sufficiency of His resources and, as a result, more of Himself!

Kevin Quartell