Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God! Acts 7:56 NKJV
There is nothing the children of God need to judge themselves about so much as neglecting to walk in this world with their eyes fixed on Christ. If God has taken you out of the power of darkness, it is to have you up with Christ above. Heaven is now your only place.
Stephen was “full of the Holy Spirit.” Do we Christians think enough of that? The effect of it on Stephen was that he looked up steadfastly into heaven, not just as an expression that he was indwelt by the Spirit, but as evidence that his soul was brought into what occupies God’s thoughts!
If we let the Spirit of God fill us, that will bring our thoughts and hearts, no matter what the circumstances are, into that place where God is showing forth His glory in a Man in heaven. If this were true of us, the world would take notice.
Nothing has led to more spiritual decline in Christians today so much as the lack of communion with the living Savior at God’s right hand. I am left here in this world, not that I may know I am saved and going to heaven, but rather to walk in communion with Him. Am I doing this?
Stephen gets that same light that was to fall later on Saul of Tarsus; Christ let His glory fall on him. God presented to Stephen’s soul what enabled him to be perfectly quiet in the midst of the scene of wicked men’s darkness, from which His Son had been cast out. Stephen “knelt down.” The composure of his spirit is remarkable. What a contrast between human and divine thoughts in a man’s heart! Christ is always before God in the glory—Stephen’s eyes were fixed on Him.
Are you occupied with Him? If you are, He is more than an answer to your circumstances. Keep your eyes on Christ in heaven.