When they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and fell down and worshiped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Matthew 2:11 NKJV
The wise men came from the East, looking for the Lord Jesus in order to worship Him. This is mentioned three times in Matthew 2 (vv. 2, 8, 11). They brought Him gifts befitting a King as they bowed down and worshiped Him. These gifts are full of meaning and speak to us of what true worship looks like.
Gold is a very precious metal, often seen as a symbol of divinity, and is mentioned throughout the Bible. Many things in the tabernacle were made of or overlaid with gold. It was used in the construction of the Temple, and was a sign of royalty and nobility as well. The gold given to the Lord Jesus was symbolic of His kingship, divinity, and glory as God manifested in the flesh.
Frankincense was a costly fragrance obtained from a tree by making incisions in the bark and allowing the gum to flow out. It was used in worship and in certain royal processions. Frankincense is a symbol of the holiness and righteousness seen in the perfect life of the Lord Jesus—a fragrance to God.
Myrrh was a spice often mixed with wine and used as an anesthetic (see Mk. 15:23). It was often used in the preparation of a body for burial, as we see with the Lord Jesus (Jn. 19:9). Myrrh symbolizes bitterness, suffering, and affliction.
As we worship the Lord Jesus, what do we bring? Do we bring thoughts of His greatness and glory, thoughts of His beauty and preciousness to the Father, or thoughts of His sufferings upon the cross as the Lamb of God? The wise men prepared and brought Him the treasure they had. What are we preparing and bringing to lay before Him in worship today?