Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow-bondman in the Lord, will make known to you all that concerns me … that he might know your state, and that he might encourage your hearts. Colossians 4:7–8 JND
We would like to consider the man named Tychicus. He is one of seven brothers who are called “faithful” in the New Testament.
In our verse above he is said to be a “beloved brother.” We know that we are all loved by the Lord equally. Perhaps he is called beloved because he really reflected the love of Christ to those around him. May we do likewise!
Paul also calls him a “fellow-bondman.” We take it that Tychicus knew what it was like to suffer for the testimony of the Lord, along with the apostle. He knew what it was to take his share in suffering as a “good soldier of Jesus Christ” (2 Tim. 2:3).
We also read that Tychicus was a faithful minister or servant. We do not read that he had great gifts in teaching the Bible or in gospel preaching, but in whatever his service was for the Lord, he was faithful. This is what we need today! Brothers and sisters who are faithful in their work for the Lord, whether that work is public or behind the scenes.
We see in both Ephesians 6 and Colossians that Paul could trust him to carry the news to the saints of how he and his coworkers were doing, and also to bring back news of how they were doing—a simple but needed work.
Notice, too, that Paul says he was sending him to encourage their hearts. There is so much discouragement today. How much we need the ministry of encouragement! May we be faithful in our day, as Tychicus was in his day, that in whatever gift or service we have from the ascended Christ (Eph. 4:8), we might be faithful to use it for His glory and the blessing of His saints until He comes.