The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand. John 3:35 NKJV

The Father’s Thoughts of His Son

We do well to begin this meditation with the words of John the Baptist, “He must increase, but I must decrease” (Jn. 3:30). As we grow in appreciation of the Lord Jesus, seeing more of the glory of His Person, any high thoughts we had of ourselves will diminish.

The Word of God is not only a light for the path, but it is a revelation of God. God has revealed Himself in His own Son, and the Son, ever dwelling in the Father’s bosom, has declared Him. The Father’s delight, the joy of His own heart, is centered in and revolves around His Son. Moreover, He delights to share His thoughts with those He has called to Himself in order that we too may enter into His joy.

This reminds us of the story of Joseph who was loved by his father Jacob, and because of that he was hated by his brothers. It was well-known by Joseph’s brothers that he was the one preferred by their father. Because of this, there was envy in their hearts, and they hated Joseph. In John 15:25, we read these words concerning the Lord: “They hated Me without a cause.” Yet in this dark scene where sin prevailed, in the world His hands had made and whose inhabitants knew Him not, He ever glorified God His Father. Need we marvel that “the Father loves the Son”? How beautiful and how touching is this expression. What a blessed occupation for our hearts!

So, as we meet together in remembrance of Him, the Holy Spirit delights to set before us the Person and work of the Lord Jesus. We cannot rise above or go beyond, yet we can, however feebly, entertain the Father’s thoughts of His own Son and bow in worship and adoration to Him.

Jacob Redekop

Oh! the peace for ever flowing
From God’s thoughts of His own Son,
Oh, the peace of simply knowing,
On the cross that all was done.

A. P. Cecil