Jesus … praying … was beginning to be about thirty years old. Luke 3:21, 23 JND
Even at the age of twelve, Jesus was sitting in the temple in Jerusalem—with the conviction that His Father’s things were His highest priority. Even then He showed total devotion, which remained unbroken His entire life. There in the temple He listened to the scribes, asked them questions, and gave astounding answers when they questioned Him. Since the Gospels tell us nothing else about His childhood or youth, we can probably assume that He did not appear in public during this time. He waited patiently in dependence on God for the time appointed to begin His public ministry.
About eighteen years later, the Lord Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan. It is very interesting to see what we are told about the beginning of this new phase in the life of the Son of God. He made no great announcement, did no miracles and did not somehow push Himself to the forefront. Instead He prayed at the beginning of His public ministry when John baptized Him in the Jordan River. The intimate relationship with His heavenly Father was the starting point for His ministry. Everything He did came from this living source of fellowship. In this He is our great Example!
It has been said, “No Christian’s spiritual life is deeper than his prayer life.” We can try to display spirituality in front of people, but in your chamber (Mt. 6:6), where no one sees you and you are alone with God, all self-portrayal comes to an end. Martin Luther, George Whitefield, John Wesley, David Brainerd, George Müller, Hudson Taylor, Dwight Lyman Moody, Charles Studd, David Livingstone, and many other servants of the Lord were all men of prayer. We know them today because of the things God has done through them. But the reason for this is especially because they often spent time surrendered before God, and thus became useful vessels in the Master’s hand.