The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

He will answer from within and say, “Do not trouble me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give to you.” Luke 11:7 NKJV

From Within (2)

Christ never murmured on account of the ceaseless intrusion of needy humanity. He kept no record of all He had to do, nor did He ever complain of it. He “went about doing good.” His food and His drink were to do the will of Him who sent Him and to finish His work (Jn. 4:32). To Him the poor and the needy, the heavy-laden and the heart-broken, the outcast and the wretched, the homeless and the stranger, the widow and the orphan, the diseased and the desolate, might all flock in the full assurance of finding in Him a fountain ever flowing and sending forth in all directions the abundant streams of living sympathy toward every possible form of human need. The door of His heart was always wide open. He never said to any son of want or child of sorrow, “I cannot rise and give to you.” He was ready to arise and go with every needy applicant, and His gracious word ever was, “give.”

Such was Jesus when down here, and He is still the very same, whose glory fills all heaven above. His door stands open so the vilest, the guiltiest, and the neediest of sinners are welcome. They can have their crimson and scarlet sins washed away in His atoning blood. They can have pardon and peace, life and righteousness, heaven and its eternal weight of glory, all as the free gift of grace divine. And while on their way from grace to glory, they can have all the love of His heart and the strength of His shoulder, that heart which told forth its affection on the cross and that shoulder which shall bear up the pillars of divine government forever.

C. H. Mackintosh

But who Thy path of service,

Thy steps removed from ill,
Thy patient love to serve us,

With human tongue can tell?

J. N. Darby