Blessed is every one who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways. When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Psalm 128:1–2 NKJV
In this short text, the fear of God, obedience, good material provision, and inner well-being are linked together.
Bible verses that speak of the fear of the Lord often suffer from the negative image in our minds of the word fear. That this is unjustified is made clear in the introduction: he who lives like this is blessed! He avoids everything that offends God and attacks His holiness.
Fear of God is first of all a matter of the inner attitude. In the long run, however, it will not remain hidden, but will shape one’s life. Those who truly fear God also walk in His ways. They align their decisions and life practices with God’s will and thus experience the blessing of obedience. God’s ways are good ways, though not always smooth ones.
The psalmist then relates this to working life. A godly person is industrious, is diligent. He does not exploit other people or take advantage of the social security system, but works for his own needs and those of his family. Not everyone may feel his personal calling in this, but it is God’s will, and has been so since creation.
Even though the ground was cursed as a result of the fall, and daily work is fraught with toil because of the omnipresent thorns and thistles, this work has a beneficial effect on one’s inner well-being: “You shall be happy, and it shall be well with you.” It is good to be active in a productive way every day: in the field, the workshop, the kitchen, the doctor’s practice, or the office. This kind of occupation is an expression of godliness, the basis of our sustenance, and an aid to inner balance.