David built houses for himself in the City of David; and he prepared a place for the ark of God, and pitched a tent for it. Then David said, “No one may carry the ark of God but the Levites, for the Lord has chosen them to carry the ark of God and to minister before Him forever.” 1 Chronicles 15:1–2 NKJV
Here we see proof that David had studied his Bible. He said this as though he had made a great discovery, and so indeed it was. But 400 years before, it had been plainly written (Dt. 10:8). The Spirit of God doubtless turned David’s attention to this and related scriptures, and he at once prepared to obey the Word of God. I can almost hear him saying then, “What a foolish man I was to imitate the Philistines.”
This to me is the picture of many a Christian today who has been seeking to worship God or work for Him according to his own mind. He has allowed his religious life to be molded by what he learned as a child, or saw as a man all around him, without ever going to God’s Word to see whether God had given any plain directions on these points, or not. We may all well learn from David. He got light as to the carrying of the ark and acted on it. And if God has given me light, He expects me to respond to it. I cannot help my brethren otherwise.
There is a religion today that suits the world and suits man in the flesh, and the great effort of Christendom today is to make the things of God acceptable to man in the flesh. I do not believe God has called us to that. And if He has given us heavenly light, let us take care lest we dim it. Further, that light is given to help others. I think sometimes we are little aware how we may affect others. We have to remember that no man lives to himself. Our walk and ways are very far-reaching and telling upon others.