The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

We know that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him who is true; and we are in Him who is true, in His Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. 1 John 5:20 NKJV

The New Testament in Brief (23)—1 John

First John beautifully dwells on the great truth of eternal life abiding in the believer, the life which is the very nature of God and which has been manifested perfectly in the blessed Person of His Son. If we desire to rightly learn its characteristics, they shine radiantly in all the history of the Lord Jesus on earth.

Two grand expressions summarize for us the blessedness of this divine nature: “God is light” (1:5) and “God is love” (4:8). Thus, three marvelous and deeply necessary mysteries of nature—life, light, and love—become symbols of infinitely greater spiritual mysteries, which nevertheless are known and enjoyed by faith in the Son of God.

The word “know” and its derivatives appear frequently in this book, making its truth a living, absolute reality in the hearts of believers. No doubts can remain that the Son of God has come, and in coming has given believers an understanding, not merely of regulations or doctrines, but also of the personal glory of Him who is true. We also learn that we are seen by God as “in Him.” Clearly seen also is the perfect unity of the Father and the Son in this infinitely blessed work.

How valuable indeed is this book then in giving settled assurance to the believer of the reality of his vital relationship as a child of God! It also encourages devotion and affection to our God and Father.

L. M. Grant

Oh, love supreme and bright,

Good to the feeblest heart,
That gives us now, as heavenly light,

What soon shall be our part!

J. N. Darby