We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV
When difficult circumstances happen, we often think of this passage, either for ourselves to find consolation in it, or to share with someone else, who may not see it as a consolation when it hurts. But this is a very limited use of this otherwise profound passage, and such a use can give a false perception of this verse. What does it mean, then, that all things work together for good?
Let us notice that “all things” does not mean all things sad, painful, displeasing, frustrating to our projects, or negative in any other sense. It truly means all things. This includes all those things we find ordinary, of no peculiar interest, of usual routine, even the boring ones. It also includes all things joyful, agreeable, pleasant, or positive in any regard. All those things work together for good to those who love God. But, sad to say, unless something is negative, we very often do not notice it, nor think for a moment that this very thing is actually working for our good.
This brings us to another little detail to take note of. This working for our good is actual and present. The passage does not say “will work,” or “for the future good.” But this is yet another thing that we often overlook or do not notice. This work is continuous and is not specially in view of something future. This work produces its effect in the present.
Thus, absolutely all things positive, neutral, or negative, work all together for good to those who love God. Maybe we do not realize it, maybe we do not understand what the good is, but we can be certain that it is according to the perfect purpose of God.
Knowing this is very important. Let us remember this and reflect on it as we go on through the day. God is at work, and not only is His work always good, but it is also for our good.