But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. John 15:26 NKJV
In a persecuting world that hates the disciples of Christ with a blind hatred, how will any testimony for Christ be maintained on the earth, when Christ Himself has gone? The Christian circle is small, and those who compose it are weak. The Lord Himself likens it to a little flock in the midst of wolves. By what power then will the disciples stand against a Christ-hating world and bear witness for Christ? They can stand, and they will stand, in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, a divine Person who will come from the Father.
How well the Lord knew the terrible character of the world and its relentless hatred, for had not the storm of its enmity broken in its full fury upon Him? He knew well, too, the weakness of those who loved Him and had followed Him, for was not Peter going to deny Him, and all forsake Him? How well He knew that, left to themselves, they would never be able to maintain any testimony for Him when He had left them for the glory. Knowing the wickedness of the world and the weakness of the disciples, He says He will send the “Comforter,” or “Helper”; and the Lord adds, “He will testify of Me.” However weak the disciples may be, however strong the world may be, “He will testify of Me.”
However much the disciples may fail, however much the world may persecute, “He will testify of Me.” He will testify on earth of the glory of the Son in heaven. The world will crucify Him in the lowest place on earth, heaven will crown Him in the highest place in glory, and the Holy Spirit would come to bear witness of His glory. The Son had come from the Father to bear witness of the Father; the Holy Spirit was coming from the Father to bear witness to the Son.