Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89 NKJV
What a mercy, in the face of the unrest and uncertainty of the present moment, to be able to say, “I have gotten something settled forever and in heaven!” What effect, we may ask, can the bold and insolent reasoning of unbelief have upon the soul that can say, “My heart is linked to the throne of God by means of that Word which is settled forever in heaven”? None whatever. Unbelief and superstition, the two great agents of hell in this day in which we live, can only affect those who really have nothing settled, nothing fixed, no link with the throne and heart of God.
We invite the special attention of the reader to all this. We would sound a warning note in the ears of such. The present is a moment of deep solemnity. The archenemy is putting forth every effort to sap the very foundations of Christianity. In all directions the divine authority and all-sufficiency of Holy Scripture is being called into question. Rationalism is gaining ground to a fearful extent at our seats of learning and polluting the fountains from which the streams of religious thought and feeling are spreading over the land. Truth is discounted, even among those who ought to be its guardians. We may nowadays behold the strange sight of professing Christian teachers taking part at meetings where professed unbelievers preside. Sorrowfully, men who are professed infidels themselves may become pastors and teachers in that which calls itself the Church of God.
In the face of all this, how precious, how weighty is our motto, “Forever, O Lord, Your word is settled in heaven!” Nothing can touch this. It is above and beyond the reach of all the powers of earth and hell, men and demons. “The Word of our God stands forever” (Isa. 40:8). The Lord be praised for the sweet and solid consolation of this!