Also it shall be, when he sits on the throne of his kingdom, that he shall write for himself a copy of this law in a book. Deuteronomy 17:18 NKJV
Has there ever been a perfect political system? In practice, no. In concept, yes. God had specified, down to many details, how His people Israel should be governed. He had foreseen a time when they would desire a king. Already here, in Moses’ farewell speech, provision was made for that time.
What was true for the Israelite king according to God’s will is, in principle, true for every leader. Moreover, it has quite a practical significance for every believer, for while we do not yet reign—we will only do so when Christ will publicly govern—yet now He has already “made us kings,” and we are already a royal priesthood (Rev. 1:6; 1 Pet. 2:9).
The king in Israel was not to plunge into the business of governing immediately upon taking office. Rather, he first had to take time to copy the entire text of the Law given by God. Not just read it through once, nor dictate it to others, but write it down in a book with his own hand! What has “flowed through the fingers,” so to speak, is kept by the memory. Do we also have the habit of memorizing Bible texts, perhaps by writing them down? What you memorize in this way will shape your life. The king was obliged to lead his personal life in the fear of God. In this, he was to be an example to his people. And also, in his entire conduct of office, he was under the law. The lawgiver was not himself, but God. To Him he was responsible.
Such “kings” we want to be in our smaller or larger sphere of life: people who know the will of God and align their personal life and their ministry for the Lord accordingly.