The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

And when [Jesus] had spoken this, He said to [Peter], “Follow Me.” John 21:19 NKJV

It Is Good to Follow

This final chapter of John’s Gospel describes the occasion at the Sea of Galilee when “Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples” (21:1). Their presence in that region was not surprising. On the day of Christ’s resurrection, they were told to go to Galilee, for there He would see them (Mt. 28:7, 10; Mk. 16:7). Of course they had rejoiced to see Him in that upper room in Jerusalem! But now they were in Galilee, waiting to see Him again.

What thoughts might occupy our minds as we wait for the Lord to fulfill His promises? On this occasion, Peter declared, “I am going fishing” (Jn. 21:3). The act of fishing was not necessarily sinful in itself; surely they needed to eat. But it does seem that fishing became a distraction to Peter. When Jesus Himself stood on the shore, Peter did not possess the spiritual awareness to realize who He was until the apostle John announced, “It is the Lord!” (v. 7). This indicates that our daily routines must be infused with the realization of the Lord’s presence. Otherwise, we will lapse into our old, natural view of things, unable to recognize that He is right there with us.

But then, as the disciples came to land, their fishing was replaced by feasting. The Lord Jesus graciously provided breakfast for them all. What a time it is when the Master Himself invites us to come and dine! After their meal together, the Lord tenderly took up Peter’s public restoration, instructing him to care for the lambs and sheep of His flock. Then comes the verse quoted above. Although Peter would have to suffer for the sake of Christ, the Savior’s words would stabilize his path: “Follow Me.”

Many common tasks will occupy us daily, but let us not find our contentment in them! If we are not only fishing but also feasting and following, what a testimony that will be.

Stephen Campbell