You died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3 NKJV
It is a very blessed thought, a very solemn truth, that there is nothing of any value in God’s account except the outflow of the life of Christ from His members here. All that is not the direct fruit of that life is utterly valueless in God’s thoughts. The activities of the old nature are not merely worthless but sinful. There are certain natural relationships in which we stand, which are sanctioned by God and in which Christ is our model. For example, “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the Church.” We are recognized as parents and children, masters and servants, and instructed as to our deportment in these holy relationships. But all this is on the new ground of risen life in Christ (see Col. 3; Eph. 5; 6).
The old man is not recognized at all. It is viewed as crucified, dead, and buried, and we are called upon to reckon it as dead, to count as dead our members which are on the earth, and to walk even as Christ walked. We are to live a life of self-surrender, to manifest the life of Christ, to reproduce Him. This is practical Christianity. May we understand it better! May we remember that nothing is of the smallest value in God’s account except the life of Christ shown out in the believer from day to day by the power of the Holy Spirit! The feeblest expression of this life is a sweet odor to God. The mightiest efforts of mere religious flesh, the costliest sacrifices, the most imposing ordinances and ceremonies, are but “dead works” in the sight of God.
Lord Jesus, gladly do our lips express
Our hearts’ deep sense of all Thy worthiness;
Thou Risen One, the Holy and the True,
We give Thee now the praise so justly due.