But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God. Hebrews 10:12 NKJV
Oh, the wonders connected with that which is expressed in the person of the Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, the one sacrifice never to be repeated! It not only puts the conscience in peace with God, but it forms the conscience. If God is satisfied with the blood, I will be too. In every way it has lessons. It teaches the character of the whole system of iniquity out of which I have come, teaches the enormity of sin, as none but God can.
It shows another thing: the imbecility of man, and the imbecility of Satan. When all their malice came out against God, God stood by quietly, having deep counsels in His own mind. They would slay the Lamb that was to atone for sin. What profound wisdom! What a revelation of what man is! What does it tell about all that is connected with the scene where man is on earth? He whose blood speaks of “better things” (Heb. 12:24) was here once. He is up there now, and His murder rests on the earth, and calls for vengeance from God.
Oh, the contrast between Him who has shed His blood and one’s self! There is something marvelous in this. He was holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners (Heb. 7:26). No other man is so. What gave its effect to the blood? The very God against whom man sinned in Eden, against whom all self-will and independence have been, was the very One who executed judgment when His Son was on the cross. Can you say, “Christ is the accepted sacrifice, and I have staked all on Him because He cannot fail”? It is perfect peace. God rests in love with Christ there before Him, and the soul of the sinner can therefore rest on Christ.
To Thy cross we turn our eyes, slain that guilty worms might rise;
Precious, perfect sacrifice! Savior, we adore Thee.