These were the men who came to David at Ziklag while he was still a fugitive from Saul the son of Kish; and they were among the mighty men, helpers in the war. 1 Chronicles 12:1 NKJV
It is amazing that the very first group of men who joined David came from King Saul’s own tribe of Benjamin. They risked their very lives because Saul was fiercely persecuting David. Obviously, David welcomed these men. He trained them to become his “mighty men” and “helpers in the war” as they realized that Saul not only persecuted David but was fighting against God. The choice these men made, Saul or David, is something all believers are faced with, in one way or another. Every generation faces the challenge to identify with the Lord Jesus, while His earthly people still reject Him. Many in the Christian profession go along with what is popular but, in reality, against God.
Taking sides with David, who was chosen by God, the warriors from Benjamin left their popular leader, King Saul. From a human perspective, they were “losers” for they gave up many privileges, a position of honor and favor, to identify with an “outcast.” Yet, even some of Saul’s own relatives distanced themselves from him because of his hardening as they crossed over to serve David. These men had remarkable skills. Armed with bows, using both hands to throw stones and shoot arrows, they fought from both short and long distances. One of them became a mighty man among the thirty and received a position over them because of his abilities. As true overcomers, they identified with the rejected David—blessed type of the Lord Jesus! They had great faith and were loyal to David, for they loved him, even though Saul persecuted him (cf. Heb. 13:12–13).
Mighty King, with glory crowned, rightful Heir and Lord of all:
Once rejected, scorned, disowned, e’en by those Thou cam’st to call:
Thee we honor, Thee adore, glorious now and evermore.