The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3:24 NKJV

The New Testament in Brief (6)—Romans

Romans, meaning “strong ones,” gives truth that stands at the foundation of Christianity. Here God is the Sovereign Judge, absolute in righteousness, discovering and exposing the sin of all mankind. He allows no excuse, spares no evil of whatever degree. All are shown to be “guilty before God” (3:19). Yet in pure righteousness also He offers complete justification from guilt, for this is based on “the redemption that is in Christ Jesus” (v. 24), who Himself is seen as the great Substitute in the bearing of sin’s penalty by the sacrifice of Himself. Every true believer in Him is thereby cleared from every charge and constituted righteous before God. The significance of the cross is seen, too, in reference to deliverance from the power of indwelling sin. The truth is so presented as to meet the sinner where he is at the outset, and lead him through exercise of soul out of bondage and darkness into liberty and light. The feet are established in paths of righteousness.

In chapters 9 to 11, God’s counsels and ways concerning Israel are shown to be consistent with these truths now revealed in Christianity. God is the great Victor. Hence all who trust Him are blessed.

From chapter 12 on, instructions are given as to practical conduct based on the solid and eternal foundation of God’s justifying grace. How grand a book to establish and settle the soul, and to encourage every godly virtue.

L. M. Grant

The perfect righteousness of God is witnessed in the Savior’s blood;

’Tis in the cross of Christ we trace His righteousness, yet wondrous grace.

God could not pass the sinner by, justice demands that he should die;
But in the cross of Christ we see how God can save, yet righteous be.

A. Midlane