The Lord Is Near 2024 calendar

He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:58 NKJV

Confidence in God

We have little idea of how much we lose by our lack of simple confidence in God. Unbelief ever hinders the display of divine power and goodness. This holds good in our individual history every day. God will not show Himself if our unbelief fills the field of vision with other objects. It must be God alone from first to last. “My soul, wait silently for God alone … Trust in Him at all times”(Ps. 62:5, 8). Such is the language of faith: “God alone” and “at all times.” This is the ground, the solid and unassailable ground of true devotedness, and the soul that really occupies this ground will ever be clothed with a spirit of worship. Faith counts on God; God reveals Himself to faith; and faith responds in words of praise and adoration. Nothing can be simpler and nothing on earth more blessed. Faith can ever address God in the following words: “Lord, You know me; we are on the same old terms.” Blessed terms! May we understand them better!

There is nothing in all this world like having to do with God in the secret of our own souls and in all the details of our personal history, day by day. It imparts a calmness not easily ruffled, a stability not easily moved, a holy independence of human thinking and speaking. There is an atmosphere enveloping this world, an atmosphere so dense, so murky, so depressing, that nothing but the eye of faith can pierce it. Our own hearts also are full of unbelief, ever ready to depart from the living God. Therefore, we so greatly need to have the foundations of our personal confidence strengthened so our devotedness may be of a more decided type.

C. H. Mackintosh

How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Is laid for your faith in God’s excellent word!

Richard Keene