Looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ. Titus 2:13 NKJV
Reader, permit me to ask you if, when the subject of Christ’s appearing is introduced, you ever feel a sort of difficulty or reserve in your mind? Would you be afraid to see Jesus? Would you rather put off the moment of His coming? Do you feel yourself not quite ready? If so, it may be you are not yet able to “read your title clear” or you are not cultivating a spiritual capacity, or your moral condition is not such as would naturally introduce you to that scene of glory for which we are privileged daily to look. These are points of immense importance, points to which you should give deep and prayerful attention. If there be cloudiness as to my title; if I am doubtful as to the salvation which grace brings (v. 11); if I am backward in learning the lessons which grace teaches; if there is defectiveness in spiritual capacity; or if my general moral tone and character is not formed by the holy lessons of grace, I shall not be in an attitude of waiting for the glory before us.
It is well to see this in all its clearness, point, and power. If we are the recipients of grace and the expectants of glory, should not our lives exhibit the moral power of these things? Should they not have their proper effect in the formation of our character? Unquestionably. If I expect to be with Jesus and like Jesus by and by, I shall seek to be as much with Him and as much like Him as possible now.
May the Lord work in us that which is well pleasing in His sight and bring out in all our ways a more faithful exhibition of the divine life!
The day of glory bearing
Its brightness far and near,
The day of Christ’s appearing
We now no longer fear.