The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears. Acts 20:31 NKJV

Paul’s Tears (2)—In Warning

We have seen that Paul had tears in his service in this world. In verse 31, we also see that he shed tears as he warned the saints about what was going to come. He saw what would happen after his departure from this world. He knew what was going to come to that which is so precious to Christ, the Church of God which God purchased with the blood of His own Son (Acts 20:28–29). In a similar way, Moses knew what would happen to the children of Israel after his death, in spite of his warnings and entreaties (Dt. 31:16–19). The book of Deuteronomy gives us a wonderful picture of the heart of Moses. In a similar way, Paul’s words in Acts 20 show us the apostle’s heart.

He had warned the saints in Ephesus night and day with tears. Do we ever shed tears when we think of how the Lord’s sheep have been scattered and misled? The apostle then outlines two dangers that would come upon the flock. There would be grievous wolves from outside, unbelievers, who would ravage God’s flock. This still happens today!

Secondly, from “among yourselves,” even from these very men who now stood before him, true believers, there would be those who would speak perverted things to draw away disciples after them. One example may be Hymenaeus and Philetus who taught that the resurrection was past already (2 Tim. 2:17). This shows us another reason why there is so much false teaching in our day, and why sometimes even real believers cannot agree on the truth of Scripture.

The apostle Paul had warned these elders, and us too. The Lord Jesus is coming soon. May we be on our guard until we hear His shout (1 Th. 4:16)!

Kevin Quartell