The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night. John 3:1–2 NKJV

Midnight, Twilight, and Daylight

The history of this man who came to Jesus by night is very charming, because we see in it what I call progress in a man’s soul. We do not all get into the light in a moment, by a jump as it were; as a rule we get on slowly. True, this was the beginning with Nicodemus, for wherever the Holy Spirit mentions Nicodemus, He records the fact that he came to Jesus by night. John 3 tells us of his coming; the seventh chapter refers to him as “he who came to Jesus by night” (7:50); and chapter 19 speaks of him as “Nicodemus, who at first came to Jesus by night” (19:39). And what did he do at last? He came out boldly for Christ in broad daylight. I wonder whether you have done that or not? I wonder whether you have even taken the first step of coming to Christ secretly? If not, I urge you to take that step right now.

You tell me rather disparagingly he came by night. Well, never mind, he came to Jesus. There are three stages in his history. I call John 3 midnight, John 7 twilight, and John 19 daylight. It was darkest midnight in that man’s soul when he came stealthily creeping to Jesus, hoping that nobody saw him; he was beginning to get a glimmer of light when he put a word in sideways for the Lord in chapter 7; but the death of Christ produced in Nicodemus what His life had never effected. When he saw that He was dead, he got the clear revelation of the truth of John 3, and his actions said in the face of the whole world, “Think what you like, say what you like, do what you like. Christ is for me, and I am for Him: I identify myself with the Man you have cast out and crucified.” Nicodemus is on the side of Jesus boldly. May God grant that you might be there from this day forth, if never before.

W. T. P. Wolston