He, bearing His cross, went out to a place called the Place of a Skull … where they crucified Him. John 19:17–18 NKJV
Matthew’s Gospel describes the Lord twice as One who “went out” (Mt. 13:1; 24:1). These instances were followed by His going out, carrying His own cross (Jn. 19:17). Solemn event! On that cross, the sinless One was going to be made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21) during the three hours of darkness. True, He was cast out (Heb. 13:11), but prior to that, the Lord went out Himself: although they took Him, He was in charge, as seen in His going out.
Before this world will be destroyed in the coming ultimate judgment (2 Pet. 3), the sinless Sin-bearer took the judgment on Himself, vicariously, for all who would put their trust in Him. For those who reject Him, a terrible judgment remains. His going out was the consequence of the religious, political, and cultural world rejecting Him. Yet, in unfathomable grace, He took the consequences of this rejection upon Himself—that is, for those who would believe in Him. The cross is the most awful form of execution: the Lord was willing to take that place in order to save us. In that path of rejection, He indicated and paved the way of salvation; He paid the needed price and through it all glorified God.
As a result of His accomplished work, a new world has started. Christians belong to an entirely new world-system, where “Christ is all and in all” (Col. 3:11). In that new system there is no going out and no cross, in contrast to what was before (Rev. 3:12). An entirely new and divine order exists. We have been brought very close to Him, and He wants us to stay close to Him: there will be no more going out.
Alone He bore the cross, alone its grief sustained;
His was the shame and loss, and He the victory gained;
The mighty work was all His own,
Though we shall share His glorious throne.