The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

Please, let not my lord regard this scoundrel Nabal. For as his name is, so is he: Nabal is his name, and folly is with him! 1 Samuel 25:25 NKJV

Gleanings From the Life of Abigail (3)—Abigail’s Endurance

Along with Abigail’s wisdom and grace, there is the very practical matter of her strength to endure in a difficult marriage. “Nabal” means “fool.” Consider the depths of frustration Abigail must have felt if she would publicly call her husband a fool and a “scoundrel”—literally, a “son of Belial,” an expression describing a worthless, corrupt person. Perhaps Nabal was a fine man when they married but became arrogant and selfish as his wealth grew. Whatever the reason, Abigail’s behavior remained honorable.

It is one of God’s principles that the marriage bond must not be treated lightly. A wife who has begun to fear the Lord might win her husband by her actions even if he refuses her words (1 Pet. 3:1–2). When Abigail prepared a gift for David, it was not an act of independence but an attempt to preserve her husband’s life. Later, when Nabal became literally unresponsive—possibly through a heart attack or stroke—Abigail did not take advantage of his condition to flee the marriage. Only after Nabal’s death did she become David’s wife.

Many dear believers are also enduring difficult marriages. Some have even experienced physical abuse. It does not seem that Nabal physically harmed Abigail, and her example of endurance does not suggest that an abused spouse should not seek a place of safety. Still, every marriage bond has great value in God’s sight. He has personally joined husband and wife together. The Lord Jesus named infidelity as the only permissible reason for divorce, and even then it is not a command (Mt. 19:7–9).

If you are enduring a difficult marriage, God knows your pain. He sees your tears. May He who reconciles sinners to Himself give you the blessing of a reconciled relationship. He is able.

Stephen Campbell