Him God has exalted to His right hand to be Prince and Savior. Acts 5:31 NKJV
I am more than ever struck with the way in which Scripture gives prominence to the Person of Christ, as a testimony of the gospel. Christ is in the glory of God, having by His death first settled the question of sin. Christ, who is in the glory of God as the proof that God is completely glorified in the putting away of the sins of all who believe in Jesus, and in whose face shines the glory of God, is the Savior for a sinner today and forever.
Just think for a moment what an immense thing it is to be able to point to a Savior in glory; a Savior who was on the cross, over whose soul all the waves and billows of judgment rolled; who passed through death’s dark raging flood.
We know a Savior who was dead, but who is now “the Living One”; a Savior who now occupies the throne of the Father, soon to be on His own throne. It was a Savior that Philip preached (Acts 8), a Savior the jailer at Philippi received (Acts 16). This Savior the poor thief on the cross vindicated and trusted in; a Savior Lord; a Savior he went to be with that very day in Paradise (Lk. 23). Yes, it was a Savior in glory who was revealed to the heart of Saul of Tarsus, while he was persecuting the saints (Acts 9). I have a heart to be satisfied, as well as a conscience to be met. It is the Savior whose blood alone can perfectly purge my conscience, and can alone meet and satisfy my heart.
Oh! what a Savior is Jesus the Lord,
Well may His name by His saints be adored!
He has redeemed them from hell by His blood,
Saved them forever, and brought them to God.