The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children. Isaiah 54:13 NKJV

Teach All the Children

God knows how to comfort. Here He comforts those from Israel who accept His judgment as just. He calls them “afflicted one, tossed with tempest, and not comforted” (Isa. 54:11), and tells them that they will not remain in this condition much longer. And not only they themselves will experience His liberating and helping grace, but He will also bless the coming generations.

The word used here for “taught” is rendered elsewhere “to be disciples.” A wonderful fact! The decision to be faithful not only brings blessing for today, but can have wonderful effects to future generations! Of course, faith cannot be inherited. But a sanctifying influence undoubtedly emanates from clear and decided elders to younger ones, in the family, in the local assembly, and in the people of God in general.

It should be our urgent desire that children be “taught by the Lord,” instructed in God’s thoughts. Otherwise, how should they learn to become disciples of Jesus and follow Him?

There is yet another blessing: “And great shall be the peace of your children.” Peace generally has preconditions. Depending on the biblical context, it may be righteousness, holiness, order, or something else. Here, peace is the result of good teaching. It is good to pray for peace, but it does not come by itself. You have to do something for it. Regular biblical instruction ensures that the foundations of our faith remain known and active, even across generational changes. Such instruction will reduce the danger of unfruitful discussions, and thus promotes peace in a very practical way. Let us make this our object—in prayer as well as in our service for the Lord!

Frank Ulrich