Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ … and not holding fast to the Head, from whom all the body, nourished and knit together by joints and ligaments, grows with the increase that is from God. Colossians 2:8, 19 NKJV
Paul was in Rome, far from the believers in Colosse. But he cared for them and recognized the dangers they were exposed to. Similarly, the Lord in the glory is far away from the believers here on earth, yet He is even closer to them than Paul was in spirit to the Christians at Colosse. The Lord realizes all the dangers we are facing today, too many to enumerate.
He directed Paul to give instructions to help the endangered believers, exposed to the enemy’s attack through human philosophies, various forms of mysticism, ritualism, and other -isms. These instructions are sufficient for us today: through them, the Holy Spirit desires to warn and equip us. It is not enough to be aware of the enemy’s efforts and attacks, although this is important. We also need to clearly identify the dangers in order to stand firm.
But the most important remedy is to hold fast to the Head, to Christ in heaven. How do we do this?
1. Obey Paul’s instructions in this Epistle and in other parts of Scripture (cf. 2 Tim. 3:16–17).
2. Follow Paul’s example as a man of prayer.
3. Examine ourselves in God’s light and confess what is not right in His eyes.
4. Cast ourselves on Him for help, guidance, and strength.
In doing this, we will hold fast to the Head and receive from Him all that we need. Then we will be a blessing to each other in the Body of Christ, with spiritual growth produced by God: this is the best protection against the enemy.