The Lord restored Job’s losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before … Now the Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning. Job 42:10, 12 NKJV
Job was the subject of God’s wise workmanship, just as is true in the life of every believer. But there was a lesson that Job did not easily learn. Indeed, Job had an upright character, and he had serious, real respect for the greatness of God. Also, his conduct toward others was commendable. Spiritually, Job had relatively little to learn.
Now God drew Satan’s attention to this exemplary character, and Satan was allowed by God to bring upon Job such deep troubles that would surely shake anyone. Then, to make things worse, Job’s friends, instead of encouraging him, accused him of secret sin, for they could think of no other reason that God had allowed such suffering. Job bitterly resisted their unjust criticism and was inclined to think that God was being unjust to allow this tremendous trial. Thus, the innermost thoughts of Job’s heart were exposed.
Finally, God spoke directly to Job and gave him such a sight of God’s greatness that Job was prostrated in humiliation before Him. Now Job realized the great sinfulness of his heart and the contrasting greatness of the glory of God. Then, rather than arguing with his friends, Job prayed for them, and God changed things completely. Job’s misery and sorrow in the midst of very great adversity were changed to twice as much blessing as he had enjoyed before.
Such is God’s great spiritual work in the heart of the believer when the heart bows to His faithful hand. When the Lord Jesus is given supreme honor and the heart expands in prayer for others, then we are humbled, but infinitely blessed. May we experience the blessing and joy of learning that “He must increase, but I must decrease” (Jn. 3:30).