The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

I say this to the end that no one may delude you by persuasive speech … As therefore ye have received the Christ, Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him, and assured in the faith, even as ye have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Colossians 2:4, 6–7 JND

Rooted in Christ

Paul was in prison in Rome, far from the believers in Colosse. Epaphras had informed him that the enemy was attacking them. This was an all-out attack on four different fronts. Paul’s remedy, given by the Lord to equip the believers, was also multifaceted. We must equip ourselves according to these instructions, so as to be able to stand firm against the enemy and not give in. May the Lord help us! Let us consider what we need to do today and at all times:

1. Enjoy what we have received in Christ, God’s Anointed One in glory.

2. Enjoy fellowship with Christ Jesus, as He is in heaven.

3. Honor Christ as Lord, obeying and following Him.

4. Walk in fellowship with Him in our conduct and way of life.

5. Be rooted as a tree by the water brook of the Word (Ps. 1:3).

6. Be built up in Him, strengthened, edified, and growing in Him. This will enhance practical assurance and confirmation of faith, and our faith will be strengthened and produce fruit for God.

7. Remain in the teaching we have received: no new inventions are needed or allowed. This implies that we are in God’s school all the time, to be instructed in and by the wisdom from above, to learn from the Lord and follow Him.

8. Bring thanksgiving, praise, and true worship to our God, the purpose of all these instructions. From the abundance we have received, an abundance of thanksgiving returns and ascends to Him. The water of life we have received goes back to its Source, to God’s glory. This will foil the enemy’s attacks.

Alfred E. Bouter