The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

My heart is welling forth with a good matter: I say what I have composed touching the King. My tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Thou art fairer than the sons of men; grace is poured into Thy lips: therefore God hath blessed Thee forever. Psalm 45:1–2 JND

An Overflowing Heart

The psalmist here was far from merely repeating things that he had heard. His heart was overflowing, his whole soul delighting in contemplating “the King”: therefore he spoke what he himself had composed concerning Him, his tongue being as the pen of one who writes with free-flowing ease. For he was not trying to compose something; rather his heart overflowed as he thought of the King. Of course, the King is the Messiah of Israel, whose advent every godly Jew anticipated with great expectation, One who would rule in righteous and majestic glory.

But how much greater reason have we today for spontaneous adoration of this blessed Person! For to us He is more than King. He is our Lord, the eternal Son of God, the precious Son of Man, our Savior. He has accomplished eternal redemption for our souls in His matchless sacrifice of unutterable suffering, revealing the pure, boundless love of the Father. How much fairer He is than all the sons of men! We have seen this and known it in the sublime history of His life and of His death, in such a way as the psalmist had never seen. Grace is poured into His lips, grace poured out to us now as a result of that blessed sacrifice. And God has blessed Him forever, rewarding Him by exalting Him to His own right hand. What reason for hearts overflowing in thankful praise!

L. M. Grant

Our hearts are full of Christ, and long

Their glorious matter to declare!

Of Him we make our loftier song—

We cannot from His praise forbear:

Our ready tongues make haste to sing

The glories of the heavenly King.

Charles Wesley