The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

[Amon] did not humble himself before Jehovah, as Manasseh his father had humbled himself; for he, Amon, multiplied trespass. 2 Chronicles 33:23 JND

Lessons on Amon (2)—Multiplying Sin

Amon multiplied his trespass, or sin. It is a strong expression. What does it mean? The particular sin of Judah was idolatry. We read a second very similar expression in 2 Chronicles 36:14: “All the chiefs of the priests also, and the people, increased their transgressions, according to all the abominations of the nations.” As king, Amon was especially responsible for leading the people to do what was right before God, as his grandfather Hezekiah had done. But Amon went even further into idolatry despite what he had seen in his father.

There is therefore a double aspect to this expression that he multiplied his sin. First, because as king he pushed the people further into idolatry. Second, because he persevered in doing what was wrong, knowing that it was wrong.

Amon knew that his father threw out of Jerusalem all the idols and altars he had made. Yet, he chose to turn to idolatry. He knew that this was not the way to go. When we know something is wrong and we do it anyway, this is multiplying sin.

Although it seems that the book of the law was lost from sight at that time—for it was during the reign of his son Josiah that it was found—Amon knew what was right, if only by his father’s example of repentance. And he was responsible for what he knew.

For us the lesson is similar: “To him therefore who knows how to do good, and does it not, to him it is sin” (Jas. 4:17). We must do what we know is right, not just avoid doing what is wrong. In fact, it is not even a question of ignoring what is wrong—“Oh! I did not know!”—but of positively doing what we know is right!

Let us persevere this very day in doing what is right and good, and thus, thanksgiving will be multiplied, and the Word of God will multiply, as also will grace, peace, mercy, and blessings.

Alexandre Leclerc