Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We are going with you also.” John 21:2–3 NKJV
After Peter’s tragic fall and denial of the Lord Jesus, no doubt crushed by a sense of the depth of his failure, he said to some of his companions, “I am going fishing.” He may have concluded that he was now a reject, of no further use to the Master whom he had followed, and that he would now have to return to his former occupation, from which the Lord had called him to discipleship.
So he decided to go back to his old trade, but he did not go alone. Six other disciples, influenced by his decision, decided to go with him. No doubt Peter’s qualities of leadership had exerted a powerful influence on his companions. It is to be noted that he did not say, “Let us go fishing.” His decision was his own and for himself; however, the contagion of his determination to return to fishing had wider application than to Peter alone.
Had the Lord Jesus not intervened in restoring grace, the apostolic band would have been reduced to one-third of its strength. Judas had already gone to his own place, and Peter had gone back to fishing and had drawn six others after him, including even John. How serious a defection that would have been had the Lord not gone after them in recovering grace!
Those who are, in any way to the fore should be all the more careful how they walk, since they can so easily affect others who may look to them for leadership. We are advised, “Make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated.” (Heb. 12:13).