There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews. This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.” John 3:1–2 NKJV
Nicodemus had a mere human conviction of Christ; he knew that He was a teacher come from God. When they saw His miracles, many believed on Him. How many Christians are like that now! Giving a mere human assent to who He is. It is not insincerity or dishonesty, but they do not really know Him. There is no want created in the heart.
The Son of God is here: is that enough for you? You do not care to know what He is here for, or whether you have any part with Him! You do not trouble yourselves further, or care to listen to one word He says; not a care as to what He has said concerning you, or interest as to one thought or feeling He might have. Could you be quiet if you thought you were lost? You could not. You are lost! And there is no greater proof of the utter ruin of man than that Christ does not attract his heart, speaking and testifying of divine things. Any bit of news will occupy you, and here is news from heaven, news from God, and you do not care! Nor for all the love in His coming down from heaven to tell it to you! That Christ has no beauty that you should desire Him, and yet you are “hoping” to go to heaven!
And what is there in heaven for you? Do you expect to be happy there if this Christ, who is the very center of heaven’s delight, has no attraction for your heart? Impossible! It is quite clear that, if I am to be happy in heaven, it is with God. What pleasure have you in God? Here the Lord, speaking what He knows, says, “You must be born again.” This is what God requires.