He goes up into the mountain, and calls whom He Himself would, and they went to Him. And He appointed twelve that they might be with Him, and that He might send them to preach, and to have power to heal diseases, and to cast out demons. Mark 3:13–15 JND
Mark’s Gospel describes the Lord Jesus as God’s Servant and Prophet. He is also presented as the One who called disciples to follow and represent Him in this world after He would be gone to heaven. The above verses emphasize His greatness, even though He always was a humble Servant.
In Scripture, the mountain is linked with dominion and power. Christ’s authority is expressed in His sovereign call, so powerful that those He called immediately came to Him, the great center of attraction. His supremacy is further seen as He appointed the twelve to be with Him, to learn from Him, to be trained and then sent out by Him. He sent them out on various missions described in the Gospels and in Acts. The initial miracles, “the works of power of the age to come” (Heb. 6:5), were for a limited time, but today the same Lord is still working from the glory. What a privilege to be in His presence, to which we have been called with a “holy calling” (2 Tim. 1:9).
Christ in heaven has given us His Spirit so that we—today’s believers—can be with Him and sent by Him. The exalted Lord has a task for every believer living in this world. He is coming soon, and while we wait for this, we may serve Him as His willing instruments. This may be to communicate His thoughts through His Word or to do works for the benefit of others, saved or unsaved.
Are we willing and ready to be used by Him, as vessels fit for the Master’s use? We are living here to represent Him in a world ruled by “the prince of this world” who is also “the god of this age.” Our Lord has overcome this world and He wants us to be overcomers while serving Him.