The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. Colossians 3:15 NKJV

The Christian’s Attitude in a Troubled World

What a small thing is the wisdom of man! But what of that? The Lord is coming, and we belong to heaven. In the Church there is neither Greek, barbarian, nor Scythian (Col. 3:11). We are Christ’s servants, sure of our Master’s victory, a victory which will give peace to the whole world; meanwhile, in the place where He has set us, we are witnesses to the peace which God gives even now. The love and grace of God which set us in close connection with heaven, fill our hearts, and we know how to carry to distracted and suffering souls that calm and peace which nothing in this world can destroy.

We are not of the world, as Jesus was not of the world. Our life comes down from heaven and returns thither to its source. Abide there, dear Christian. It may be that in the world we shall have tribulation, but there is One who has overcome the world. May God in His grace keep all the brethren in this mind, so that at the least some may know how to bear the impress of peace upon their faces, because it reigns in their hearts, in the midst of this world of trouble and care for so many.

Everything that comes to pass comes to pass under God’s hand; not a sparrow falls to the ground without Him; He forgets nothing; nothing escapes Him. Then, too, the Lord is coming. Oh that His children thought of this!

J. N. Darby

Thy life is now beyond the grave; our souls Thou hast set free;
Life, strength, and grace in Thee we have, for we are one with Thee.
O teach us so the power to know of risen life with Thee;
Not we may live while here below, but Christ our life may be.

J. G. Deck