The Lord Is Near 2023 calendar

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34 KJV

Resurrection and the New Creation

In resurrection, the Lord breaks forth, laden with the full fruit of complete victory over all the power of the enemy. The previous season had been man’s “hour, and the power of darkness” (Lk. 22:53), Satan’s time for the putting forth of all his strength. But wherein they dealt proudly, the Lord was above them (Ex. 18:11); and this is our comfort, that the enemy has been met in the height of his strength and pride.

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus was the second morning in the history of creation. When the foundations of old were laid “the morning stars sang together” (Job 38:7). But that workmanship was spoiled. Adam betrayed the kingdom he had received from God into the hand of Satan, and death entered. The Son of God, however, entered also; and as it was appointed unto men once to die, so Christ was once offered (Heb. 9:27–28). He took on Himself the penalty, the death deserved by us; and thus the grave of Jesus is seen by faith as the end of the old creation. But His resurrection is the morning of a new and more glorious one, and the saints, the sons of God, sing, in spirit, over it. It is the clay in the hand of the potter a second time, to bring forth a vessel that can never be marred. It is the foundation of an enduring kingdom; and that kingdom, thus to be received by the risen Jesus, the Second Man, He will not, like Adam, betray into the hand of the enemy; but He will, in due season, deliver it up without taint to God (1 Cor. 15:24).

How blessed this is—how satisfying and encouraging, thus to see the Lord undoing all the mighty mischief of the rebellion of the first man! And who can tell the glory of that economy where mercy and truth so meet together! Who can understand the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God in such a mystery!

J. G. Bellett